Våra medlemmar har blivit inbjudna att delta i ett webinar som genomförs av the European Sanctions and Export Control Society kl 15:00 den 22 maj. Om ni har haft problem att registrera er, vänligen försök igen. Se länk nedan.
The European Sanctions and Export Control Society is pleased to welcome members of the Society to the following webinar.
Subject: BIS Imposes Penalty on Seagate Technology: What is means for European Companies
This upcoming webinar related to the Seagate Technology’s settlement with BIS is one of the most significant administrative settlements in history. During this seminar, the former BIS officials and experts from Orrick will discuss some nuances with how BIS likely targeted this matter, the legal nuances, use of the Foreign Direct Product Rule, and how the Chinese Government likely used Seagate in its Illicit Acquisition Program.
It is strongly encouraged for everyone to attend, regardless of industry as this information and the awareness of Chinese methods of illicit acquisition are critically important. There are some excellent lessons learned and this is no cost to members.
Registration: Here