Våra medlemmar har blivit inbjudna att delta i ett webinar som genomförs av the European and Finnish Sanctions and Export Control Societies kl. 12.00 den 22 mars. Skicka din mailadress till info@europeansanctionssociety.org så får ni access till eventet.
Preparation for an End-Use Check
On Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 1pm EET, Stephen Wilcox and Thomas Andrukonis from the European Sanctions and Export Control Society and Finnish Sanctions and Export Controls Society, in cooperation with the Sveriges Exportkontrollförening, will discuss how to prepare for an End-Use Check. As BIS is tasked to increase enforcement and end-use monitoring activity, end-use monitoring throughout Europe will continue to increase. Steve and Tom will discuss the history of end-use monitoring, relationships between the U.S. and European Government agencies, the purpose of end-use checks, and how to prepare for a visit from Government.
The presentation is open to members of the network of European Sanctions and Export Control. For more information or to receive an invitation, please contact info@europeansanctionssociety.org or visit the website at europeansanctionssociety.org.