Exportkontrollföreningens medlemmar inbjuds att delta i ett webinar tillsammans med the European Sanctions and Export Control Society

Datum: 15.03.2023 Plats: Webinar

Våra medlemmar har blivit inbjudna att delta i ett webinar som genomförs av the European and Finnish Sanctions and Export Control Societies kl. 11.00 den 15 mars. Skicka din mailadress till info@europeansanctionssociety.org så får ni access till eventet.

On March 15, 2023 at 12 noon EET, Stephen Wilcox and Thomas Andrukonis from the European and Finnish Sanctions and Export Control Societies will discuss the principles of Russian Illicit Acquisition. Drawing on their 65 years of U.S. Government experience (with BIS and other agencies) and in working with more than 70 countries, Steve and Tom will discuss the methods used to illicitly acquire sensitive commodities and technology, how to identify red flags, and increase compliance with multilateral export controls and sanctions.