In English
This is the Swedish Export Control Society
The Swedish Export Control Society was established in 1994 on initiative from the industry. The purpose is to support export control administrators/managers on the company responsible for the adherence to e.g. Swedish, EU and US export control legislations. Its members are dealing with export control issues in companies, organisations or authorities.
The activities are planned and directed by the Board. The Board also meets regularly with the management of the Inspectorate of Strategic Products – ISP where members’ views on export control regulations and license procedures are put forward, gives opinions and suggestions on proposed new legislation concerning export control to the government and its authorities, arranges meetings where issues of mutual interest are dealt with. Speakers at these meetings are renowned and knowledgeable in the export control area.
The Swedish Update
The Society arranges an annual event – the Swedish Update, a two-day seminar in pleasant surroundings, where export control managers from all of Scandinavia meet.
The Society arranges in depth training with written exams resulting in a degree as Certified Export Control Managers.